How do you measure impact?


Work with Edmund

The coaching process is very similar to how you run your organization. By creating goals, monitoring progress, evaluating work and setting targets, you achieve results and I act as your accountability partner through it all.

To get started, complete a free leadership assessment called the Wheel of Life and afterward, schedule a complimentary call with me to go over your results and determine a coaching strategy to fit your needs.


Coaching Services


One-on-One Coaching

3-month partnership with the possibility of extension weekly calls.

Group Coaching

Small groups of 2-3 with one-on-one and group sessions included. Perfect for a newly formed, or growing, leadership team.


Specialized topic presentations include: Leadership, Communications, Team Building, Retention: The First 100 Days


What is Coaching

I will partner with you and utilize a thought-provoking and creative process to inspire and motivate you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

This specialized process provides:

Sustainable Results

I will seek to elicit solutions and strategies from YOU and believe that YOU are naturally creative, resourceful, and have the answers.

Lasting Change

I will listen BEYOND what you are saying; I will observe, encourage self-discovery, and customize your approach to meet your needs.

Support to Thrive

I will help you make adjustments, remove roadblocks and support the skills, resources, and creativity you already have.